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Potential Benefits of CJC 1295

  • Improves muscle mass and strength [1-38]
  • Promotes weight loss [39-57]
  • Improves sleep quality [58-84]
  • Improves cognitive function [85-98]
  • Maintains a healthy skeletal frame [99-142]
  • Improves mood and energy levels [143-168]
  • Improves sex drive and sexual function [169-206]
  • Enhances tissue regeneration [207-233]
  • Strengthens the immune system [234-260]
  • Improves women’s fertility [263]

What is CJC 1295?

CJC-1295 is also known as drug affinity complex: growth hormone-releasing factor (DAC: GRF) or CJC 1295 DAC. It’s a synthetic analogue of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and is primarily used to boost blood levels of human growth hormone by up to ten times its normal capacity. CJC-1295 can boost serum growth hormone levels by 200-1000% and the elevated growth hormone production can continue for up to 6 days.

Because CJC-1295 has a similar structure to GHRH, it has the ability to stimulate the pituitary gland to release growth hormone as well as other anabolic hormones such as insulin-like growth factor 1 or insulin growth factor 1. For this reason, many bodybuilders and athletes use CJC-1295 in order to improve muscle mass and strength, as well as performance. Originally, CJC-1295 and other synthetic peptides (compounds consisting of two or more amino acids linked in a chain) were commonly prescribed by medical professionals to treat patients suffering from muscle wasting, growth disorders, and burn injuries. Today, CJC-1295 is still widely prescribed in the treatment of these disorders because of its minimal side effects.

In general, patients who want to reap the potential health benefits of CJC-1295 may need 2 to 3 times daily injections (morning, before sleep, and after a workout). This method of administration is meant to mimic the actual secretion of growth hormones. Additionally, CJC-1295 has a long half-life. A longer half-life means its effects are not affected by food timing like other peptides.

How CJC 1295 Works

CJC-1295 stimulates the pituitary gland to release growth hormone (GH). In order to ensure balance (homeostasis), the human body still releases growth hormone in pulses. With increased GH levels, it leads to increased muscle mass and strength, fat loss, tissue regeneration, and other health benefits.

Research on CJC 1295 Benefits

A. Improves Muscle Mass and Strength

CJC-1295 is a peptide known for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength by stimulating the release of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary gland. This synthetic peptide enhances the pulsatile release of GH, which in turn promotes protein synthesis, muscle growth, and repair, making it a valuable tool for building muscle. Increased GH levels can lead to more efficient utilization of nutrients and improved muscle recovery, ultimately contributing to more muscle mass and enhanced muscle strength over time. Interestingly, an increase in muscle mass boosts allows the body’s resting metabolic rate to be boosted leading to more calories burned.

Studies show that this powerful peptide can boost the production of muscle cells:

  1. In normal adult subjects, CJC-1295 administration enhanced muscle mass and strength by increasing protein synthesis. [1]
  2. In healthy adult participants, subcutaneous administration of CJC-1295 safely and effectively increased plasma GH concentrations and IGF-1 levels, resulting in an increase in muscle mass and strength.[2]
  3. By increasing GH and IGF-1 levels, CJC-1295 significantly improved muscle mass and strength in both men and women subjects. [3-36]
  4. In mice, treatment with once-daily administration of CJC-1295 maintained normal body composition as well as muscle mass. [37-38]

B. Promotes Weight Loss

CJC-1295 promotes weight loss by stimulating the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which in turn enhances the body’s ability to metabolize fat and build lean muscle tissue. This increase in growth hormone levels can lead to a higher metabolism, improved fat oxidation, and reduced body fat storage, ultimately contributing to weight loss and body composition improvements when combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Studies show that CJC-1295 can promote weight loss by burning more body fat and increasing lean muscle mass:

  1. In obese patients, CJC-1295 promoted fat loss by increasing the levels of growth hormone. [39-42]
  2. In healthy adults, subcutaneous administration of CJC-1295 safely and effectively increased GH and IGF-1 levels, resulting in a significant reduction in body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI). [43]
  3. In women, the use of synthetic growth hormone CJC-1295 reduced body weight. [44]
  4. In both men and women, CJC-1295 reduced body weight by boosting growth hormone levels. [45-56]
  5. In mice, treatment with once-daily administration of CJC-1295 improved body composition by preventing fat accumulation. [57]

C. Improves Sleep Quality

CJC-1295 can potentially improve sleep quality by stimulating the release of growth hormone (GH) during deep sleep stages. This peptide increases GH secretion, which is essential for restorative sleep, tissue repair, and overall sleep quality, offering a tremendous benefit. Improved sleep patterns and deeper sleep can contribute to a more refreshing and restful night’s sleep when CJC-1295 is used as part of a well-balanced peptide therapy under medical supervision.

Studies show that this powerful peptide can help you get a restful sleep:

  1. A study reported that CJC-1295 can improve sleep quality and quantity by promoting slow wave sleep, also known as the deep sleep stage. [58]
  2. In mice, once-daily administration of CJC-1295 normalized the GHRH response, which in turn induced significantly deeper sleep. [59]
  3. Studies found that by increasing GH levels, CJC-1295 can significantly improve the deep sleep stage. [60-65]
  4. In patients with insomnia, the administration of delta sleep-inducing peptides such as CJC-1295 was associated with higher sleep efficiency and shorter sleep latency (amount of time it takes to fall asleep). [66]
  5. In men, the administration of GHRH such as CJC-1295 promoted deep sleep by enhancing stage 2 sleep. [67]
  6. In normal men, the administration of GHRH such as CJC-1295 was associated with a 10-fold increase in slow wave sleep. [68]
  7. As a growth hormone-releasing factor, CJC-1295 induces sleep by activating sleep regulatory neurons in the brain. [69-70]
  8. In patients with schizophrenia, a chronic and severe mental disorder that alters cognition, emotion, and behavior, the administration of GHRH such as CJC-1295 improved sleep efficiency. [71]
  9. Studies showed that CJC-1295 can increase non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and enhance EEG slow-wave activity (SWA). [72-83]
  10. In rats, the injection of GHRH such as CJC-1295 effectively promoted sleep. [84]

D. Improves Cognitive Function

CJC-1295, a very effective peptide and a growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) analog, is believed to potentially treat diseases and enhance cognition and memory function by promoting the release of growth hormone in the body. Growth hormone plays a role in neurogenesis (the formation of new neurons), neuronal survival, and synaptic plasticity, all of which are essential for optimal brain function. By increasing growth hormone levels, CJC-1295 may support improved cognitive processes such as memory, learning, feeling mental clarity, and overall brain health, leading to a significant difference in the improved overall benefit for individuals seeking enhanced cognitive function.

There is increasing scientific evidence that GHRH like CJC-1295 can help combat cognitive impairment associated with advancing age and other medical conditions:

  1. In adults with mild cognitive impairment and healthy older adults, GHRH treatment significantly improved verbal memory. [85]
  2. In healthy older adults, GHRH supplementation ameliorated cognitive impairment associated with aging and Alzheimer’s disease. [86]
  3. In adults with mild cognitive impairment, GHRH supplementation improved cognitive function by boosting the levels of brain chemicals such as Gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) and N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG). [87]
  4. In older adults, GHRH supplementation improved various aspects of cognitive function. [88]
  5. In adults with mild cognitive impairment, GHRH supplementation slowed cognitive decline. [89-90]
  6. Studies reported that CJC-1295 improves cognitive function through its neuroprotective effects, allowing it to prevent damage to nerve cells in the brain. [91-92]
  7. In adults who are at increased risk of cognitive decline and dementia, GHRH administration had favorable effects on cognitive function. [93]
  8. In rats with traumatic brain injury, GHRH administration appears to improve cognitive function. [94-98]

E. Maintains a Healthy Skeletal Frame

Strong scientific evidence suggests that CJC-1295 plays an integral part in the maintenance of bone health and the prevention of bone disorders, such as osteoporosis and fractures, by stimulating the production of growth hormone, which in turn can enhance increased bone density and promote bone remodeling processes:

  1. In men with HIV-related fat accumulation, GHRH administration improved bone metabolism and bone density, suggesting that CJC-1295 can correct various bone disorders. [99]
  2. In elderly postmenopausal women with decreased bone mass, treatment with GHRH stimulated bone metabolism. [100]
  3. In healthy elderly women, GHRH administration prevented bone breakdown by increasing the blood levels of bone formation markers. [101]
  4. In patients with primary and secondary osteoporosis, GHRH administration increased bone formation and activity of bone cells (osteoblasts). [102]
  5. In women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, GHRH administration accelerated bone metabolism and activity of osteoblasts. [103-113]
  6. In men with osteoporosis of unknown cause, boosting GH levels through GHRH administration significantly improved bone mineral density (BMD). [114-115]
  7. In GH-deficient adults with osteoporosis, GHRH administration increased BMD and markers of bone formation and decreased markers of bone breakdown. [116-118]
  8. In patients with fractures, GHRH administration accelerated fracture healing. [119]
  9. In mice, CJC-1295 administration helped normalize bone growth in the legs. [120]
  10. Studies found that by increasing GH levels, CJC-1295 can significantly lower one’s risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and other bone disorders. [121-142]

F. Improves Mood and Energy Levels

Because of CJC-1295’s ability to boost GH levels by up to ten times its normal capacity, it can also help improve mood and energy levels in people suffering from depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. There is compelling evidence supporting the beneficial effects of CJC-1295 on mood:

  1. Several studies showed that low blood levels of growth hormone were strongly linked with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders, suggesting that the administration of GHRH such as CJC-1295 may help improve mood and energy levels by boosting GH production in the body. [143-156]
  2. In adults with mild cognitive impairment and healthy older adults, GHRH administration had favorable effects on cognition and mood. [157]
  3. In patients with major depression, GHRH administration increased GH levels, resulting in a reduction of depressive symptoms. [158]
  4. In patients with major depression, GHRH administration improved energy levels by decreasing sleepiness. [159]
  5. In patients with depression, GHRH administration significantly improved mood and energy levels by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) such as noradrenaline, dopamine, and acetylcholine. [160-168]

G. Improves Sex Drive and Sexual Function

Because CJC-1295 has a similar structure to GHRH, it can stimulate the pituitary gland to release various hormones that are involved in the regulation of sex drive and the ability to function properly sexually. Studies show that by boosting the levels of anabolic hormones such as growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), CJC 1295 may help ramp up sexual power and fight sexual dysfunction:

  1. Studies showed that growth hormone deficiency was strongly linked with low libido and erectile dysfunction, suggesting that increasing GH levels through CJC-1295 supplementation may have beneficial effects on sex drive and sexual function. [169-176]
  2. Studies also showed that IGF-1 deficiency was strongly linked with low libido and erectile dysfunction, suggesting that CJC-1295 supplementation may help improve sexual function. [177-183]
  3. In age-advanced men, GHRH supplementation significantly improved libido and general well-being. [184]
  4. Studies have shown that by increasing GH and IGF-1 levels, CJC-1295 also increases the levels of nitric oxide, a molecule naturally produced in the body which plays an integral part in penile erection. [185-193]
  5. Studies found that CJC-1295 administration improved sex drive and sexual function by increasing GH levels, which in turn boosts the levels of the primary male sex hormone testosterone and the primary female sex hormone estrogen. [194-195]
  6. Studies showed that peptides such as CJC-1295 were involved in the erection process and sexual arousal. [196-205]
  7. In animal models, GHRH administration increased testicular responsiveness and receptors. [206]

H. Enhances Tissue Regeneration

CJC-1295 can indirectly improve tissue regeneration of almost all body systems. Studies show that by stimulating the pituitary gland to release two vital hormones, GH and IGF-1, CJC-1295 may accelerate tissue repair after an injury:

  1. In the human tendon and skeletal muscle, GH repaired the damaged tissues by stimulating collagen synthesis. [207]
  2. A study reported that IGF-1 has a potential role in enhancing stem cell repair after a kidney injury. [208]
  3. A number of studies found that both GH and IGF-1 may play a role in brain repair after an injury. [209-218]
  4. Studies also showed that both GH and IGF-1 may help accelerate tissue repair by increasing collagen synthesis. [219-220]
  5. As a GHRH, CJC-1295 has been found to accelerate the wound healing process by promoting the formation of a protective covering of damaged skin tissues. [221-223]
  6. Recent evidence showed that CJC-1295 and other GHRHs can induce heart repair after myocardial infarction by mechanisms involving a direct action on the heart cells (cardiomyocytes). [224-225]
  7. A cell study found that GHRH promoted tissue regeneration by stimulating the proliferation of the cells of the pancreas while preventing programmed cell death (apoptosis). [226]
  8. Numerous studies found that GHRH administration accelerated the repair of tissue injury by increasing the number of cells needed for regeneration at the site of injury, suggesting that it may be a potential treatment for acute musculoskeletal injuries. [227-232]
  9. GHRH administration can also help improve the healing of debilitating injuries such as Achilles tendon rupture. [233]

I. Strengthens the Immune System

CJC-1295 can potentially contribute to a strong immune system by stimulating the production and release of growth hormone, which plays a vital role in supporting immune function. As a GHRH, CJC-1295 also possesses immune-modulating properties necessary for a strong immune system:

  1. In older men and women with compromised immune function, GHRH administration had profound immune-enhancing effects as evidenced by an increase in B and T cells of the immune system. [234]
  2. In animal models, GHRH injection increased the numbers of CD2, T-cells, and CD4 cells of the immune system. [235-237]
  3. Evidence suggests that GHRHs such as CJC-1295 strengthen the immune system by regulating the activities of natural killer cells and T cells. [238-241]
  4. In animal models, GHRH administration for 6 months increased the production of antibodies. [242]
  5. By increasing GH levels, CJC-1295 improved various aspects of the immune function in both human and animal subjects. [243-246]
  6. By boosting the levels of IGF-1, CJC-1295 also helps regulate immune function. [247-256]
  7. GHRH administration can also help fight inflammatory diseases by significantly reducing the levels of inflammatory substances in the body. [257-259]
  8. GHRH also has the ability to prevent the progression of tumors. [260]

J. Improves Women’s Fertility

There are also studies linking insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone to improved fertility in women:

  1. Strong scientific evidence suggests that insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone can improve fertility by regulating the ovarian follicular cycle. [261-262]
  2. A cell study investigated the effects of growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) on the ovulation cycle and found that cells treated with GRF had a significant increase in both follicular fluid IGF-1 levels and blood levels of GH, which in turn induced superovulation. [263]

CJC-1295 and Human Growth Hormone

CJC-1295 is a synthetic peptide that has garnered attention in the world of health and fitness due to its potential effects on growth hormone (GH) secretion. It is designed to mimic the action of the natural hormone growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). GHRH stimulates the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone and release it into the bloodstream. CJC-1295, when administered, extends the half-life of GHRH in the body, making it more effective at stimulating the secretion of GH.

CJC 1295 Side Effects

CJC-1295 side effects are very uncommon and generally mild. There have been some side effects associated with the use of this drug wherein the patient had one of the issues listed below at some point while being on CJC-1295. However, these side effects weren’t confirmed to be associated with the treatment and could have been a coincidence and not related to the use of CJC-1295. Despite this, it was listed as a side effect associated with CJC-1295 even though these associated side effects are very uncommon.

Side effects associated with CJC-1295 may include the following:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Flushing of the skin
  • Headache
  • Hives or rashes
  • Hyperactivity
  • Injection site reactions (irritation, redness, pain, or itching)
  • Nausea

CJC 1295 Dosage

The dosage of CJC-1295 can vary depending on the individual’s needs and goals. However, a typical starting dose for adults is 100-200 mcg (micrograms) administered via subcutaneous injection (just beneath the skin) once daily. The dosage can be adjusted up or down as needed.

CJC 1295 Ipamorelin Before and After

CJC 1295-Ipamorelin combination is used for various purposes, including increasing muscle mass, fat loss, and anti-aging effects. In addition, CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin are commonly included in hormone replacement therapy regimens to optimize hormone levels and promote overall well-being. Moreover, ipamorelin improves insulin sensitivity, thus reducing high blood sugars in diabetic patients and the body’s triglycerides. However, it’s important to note that the effects of these peptides can vary from person to person, and results may not be as dramatic as with other substances like anabolic steroids. Additionally, the use of CJC 1295-Ipamorelin combination should be conducted under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional and in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.


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