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Potential Benefits of Ipamorelin

  • Builds lean muscle mass [1-28]
  • Maintains healthy bones [29-36]
  • Improves digestive health [37-46]
  • Maintains a healthy heart [47-61]
  • Improves blood sugar levels [62-72]
  • Strengthens the immune system [73-111]
  • Prevents cognitive decline [112-148]
  • Improves sex drive and sexual function [149-183]
  • Enhances tissue regeneration [182-203]
  • Improves sleep quality [204-224]

What is Ipamorelin?

Ipamorelin is considered a growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP) or growth hormone secretagogue. As a pentapeptide (composed of five amino acids), it has the capacity to mimic the body’s natural release of growth hormone and ghrelin (the hunger hormone). Because this peptide does not affect the release of other hormones in the body such as acetylcholine, aldosterone, cortisol, and prolactin, it has virtually no negative side effects. Therefore, it is considered one of the safest and most effective forms of growth hormone replacement therapy, widely used to fight the effects of aging, manage certain diseases, enhance sports performance, and balance growth hormone deficiency. Furthermore, most medical professionals prescribe ipamorelin more than other therapies because it can help optimize human growth hormone for a longer period of time, thus having a more potent effect.

How Ipamorelin Works?

After ipamorelin injection, a selective pulse is sent to the pituitary gland, which in turn releases growth hormone within the body. This causes cells to move toward the muscles to support growth and development while preventing any bone or cartilage deformities. In addition, ipamorelin increases cell synthesis, insulin levels, and ghrelin levels. All of these vital functions work to promote fat loss and increase muscle mass and strength.

Research on Ipamorelin

Builds Lean Muscle Mass

Getting a higher percentage of lean muscle mass while reducing body fat is the most pronounced reason why bodybuilders, athletes, and even amateurs opt for ipamorelin injections. Studies show that ipamorelin has potent muscle-building properties that can help those who want to improve their body composition:

  1. Studies show that ipamorelin boosts the levels of growth hormone (GH), a process that is vital in muscle growth and development. [1-8]
  2. By increasing GH levels, ipamorelin helps enhance muscle synthesis. [1-17]
  3. As a growth hormone releasing peptide, ipamorelin promotes muscle growth and inhibits muscle wasting. [18-19]
  4. In a severely emaciated anorexia nervosa patient, one-year intranasal application of growth hormone-releasing peptide improved muscle mass and strength. [20]
  5. By increasing ghrelin levels, ipamorelin improves muscle mass by increasing food intake. [21-23]
  6. Growth hormone-releasing peptide administration increases muscle mass by promoting muscle regeneration and increasing the levels of collagen. [24-27]
  7. In rats, ipamorelin administration counteracted muscle wasting induced by glucocorticoid injections. [28]

Maintains Healthy Bones

Aside from achieving lean muscle mass, ipamorelin administration can also help maintain a healthy skeletal frame and prevent various bone disorders. Studies assessing the beneficial effects of ipamorelin on bone health have shown positive results:

  1. In GH-deficient children, administration of growth hormone-releasing peptides such as ipamorelin increased bone growth velocity. [29-33]
  2. In rats, ipamorelin administration induced longitudinal bone growth. [34]
  3. In adult female rats, ipamorelin administration increased bone mineral content without any side effects or toxicities. [35]
  4. A study reported that ipamorelin’s ability to stimulate the release of growth hormone can help in bone formation and growth. [36]

Improves Digestive Health

Ipamorelin also plays an integral role in maintaining digestive system health. Studies show that growth hormone-releasing peptides such as ipamorelin help improve gastrointestinal function:

  1. Growth hormone-releasing peptide improves digestive health by protecting against various types of ulcers. [37]
  2. In humans, ipamorelin administration improves gastric motility (contractions of gastric smooth muscle) by increasing the levels of ghrelin. [38]
  3. In a severely emaciated anorexia nervosa patient, one-year intranasal application of growth hormone-releasing peptide improved digestive tract dysfunction as evidenced by an increase in food intake and body weight. [39]
  4. In patients who had undergone major abdominal surgery, ipamorelin administration improved upper and lower gastrointestinal tract function. [40]
  5. In rats, ipamorelin administration boosted ghrelin levels, which in turn improved gastrointestinal function. [41-43]
  6. In a rodent model of postoperative ileus (malfunctioning of intestinal motility after abdominal surgery), ipamorelin administration accelerated gastric emptying, which is suggestive of improved gastrointestinal function. [44-45]
  7. In rats, ipamorelin administration increased fecal pellet output following abdominal surgery. [46]

Maintains a Healthy Heart

Recent human clinical trials and animal studies show that ipamorelin and other growth hormone- releasing peptides have cardioprotective effects that can help combat various heart diseases:

  1. In patients with heart disease, the administration of growth hormone-releasing peptide improved cardiac output and ventricular mechanical work. [47]
  2. In patients with coronary artery disease undergoing bypass surgery, the administration of growth hormone-releasing peptide increased left ventricular ejection fraction. [48]
  3. In human subjects, the administration of growth hormone-releasing peptide helped protect against heart damage induced by lack of oxygen. [49]
  4. In healthy volunteers, acute intravenous administration of growth hormone-releasing peptide induced a clear and prompt increase in left ventricular ejection fraction. [50-51]
  5. In patients with heart failure, ipamorelin administration increased heart muscle contractions by boosting the levels of IGF-1. [52-54]
  6. In rats, the administration of growth hormone releasing peptide protected against heart injury caused by lack of oxygen. [55]
  7. In rats subjected to experimental myocardial infarction, the administration of growth hormone releasing peptide increased blood volume pumped by the left ventricle of the heart. [56]
  8. In rats, growth hormone-releasing peptide administration increased the strength of muscular contractions of the heart. [57]
  9. In rats, growth hormone-releasing peptide administration prevented heart failure by protecting against radical damage. [58]
  10. In hamsters with dilated cardiomyopathy, 4-week treatment with growth hormone releasing peptide attenuated left ventricular dysfunction and dilation. [59]
  11. In dogs with decreased blood supply to the heart, growth hormone releasing peptide administration prevented death by increasing heart wall thickness, which is suggestive of improved blood circulation. [60]
  12. In pigs, growth hormone releasing peptide administration exhibited antioxidant effects, which in turn reduced damage to the heart muscle. [61]

Improves Blood Sugar Levels

Ipamorelin also has potent blood sugar-lowering effects which can help prevent diabetes and other fatal medical conditions associated with chronic elevation of blood sugar levels. Strong scientific evidence supports this beneficial effect:

  1. In diabetic patients, the administration of growth hormone-releasing peptide improved blood sugar levels by increasing GH secretion. [62]
  2. By boosting GH levels, ipamorelin can help lower one’s risk of diabetes. [63]
  3. In diabetic rats, ipamorelin administration stimulated the release of insulin, a hormone that lowers blood sugar levels. [64-65]
  4. In diabetic rats, ipamorelin administration lowered blood sugar levels by increasing IGF-1 production. [66]
  5. The intravenous injection of human growth hormone releasing peptide in rats increased the blood levels of insulin. [67]
  6. In diabetic rats, pretreatment with synthetic growth hormone releasing peptide improved insulin secretion and insulin reserves. [68-72]

Strengthens the Immune System

There is increasing evidence that ipamorelin may help boost immune function through various important mechanisms:

  1. The administration of growth hormone releasing peptides may help improve the quality of life of cancer patients by correcting nutritional and metabolic states. [73]
  2. In patients with growth hormone deficiency, boosting GH levels through growth hormone releasing peptide administration increased the levels of white blood cells, T cells, and B cells of the immune system. [74-75]
  3. In rats, the administration of growth hormone-releasing peptides such as ipamorelin countered inflammation via the AKT1-activated pathway and reduced programmed cell death (apoptosis) while combating oxidative stress. [76-77]
  4. In animal models, growth hormone releasing peptide administration protected against multiple sclerosis, nerve damage, and brain diseases. [78-81]
  5. In mice, growth hormone releasing peptide administration enhanced antibody titers against various harmful microorganisms. [82]
  6. As a growth hormone releasing peptide, ipamorelin helps strengthen the immune system by boosting GH levels. [83-95]
  7. As a growth hormone stimulant, ipamorelin enhances immune function by stimulating T and B cell proliferation and immunoglobulin synthesis and aiding in the maturation of stem cells and modulation of the inflammatory response. [96]
  8. By increasing GH levels, ipamorelin improves the functional activity of circulating phagocyte cells (cells that engulf foreign bodies). [97]
  9. Ipamorelin can also improve the cytotoxic activity mediated by natural killer cells. [98-100]
  10. By boosting GH levels, ipamorelin can increase the production of various immune system cells such as IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, and cytokines. [101-102]
  11. Growth hormone secretagogues such as ipamorelin enhance the development of the thymus, a gland that produces T cells for the immune system. [103-110]
  12. The administration of growth hormone secretagogues increased tumor resistance in mice. [111]

Prevents Cognitive Decline

By restoring growth hormone to healthy levels, ipamorelin together with other growth hormone- releasing peptides can help prevent age-related decline in cognitive function as well as those caused by certain medical conditions:

  1. In patients with cognitive impairment, the administration of growth hormone secretagogues such as ipamorelin improved age-related decline in cognitive function. [112]
  2. In older adults, the administration of growth hormone secretagogues improved short-term memory and active problem-solving skills. [113]
  3. In healthy older men and women, the administration of growth hormone secretagogues improved cognitive function. [114]
  4. In healthy older adults, the administration of growth hormone secretagogues prevented cognitive decline associated with aging and Alzheimer’s disease. [115]
  5. In adults with mild cognitive impairment and older adults with normal cognitive function, the administration of growth hormone secretagogues improved cognitive function by increasing the levels of brain chemicals such as gamma-Aminobutyric acid and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate. [116]
  6. By boosting ghrelin levels, ipamorelin helps protect brain cells against programmed cell death, thereby preventing cognitive decline. [117-122]
  7. Ipamorelin administration can help prevent Parkinson’s disease by boosting ghrelin levels, which in turn prevents the loss of dopamine, a brain chemical that plays a major role in reward-motivated behavior. [123-130]
  8. The administration of growth hormone secretagogues boosts IGF-1 levels, which in turn activates intracellular pathways involved in the protection of nerve cells in the brain. [131-148]

Improves Sex Drive and Sexual Function

As a growth hormone releasing peptide, ipamorelin can indirectly increase libido and improve sexual function by boosting the levels of GH and IGF-1:

  1. Compelling evidence suggests that growth hormone deficiency is strongly linked with low libido and erectile dysfunction, suggesting that boosting GH levels through ipamorelin supplementation may have beneficial effects on libido. [149-156]
  2. There is increasing evidence that IGF-1 deficiency is strongly linked with low libido and erectile dysfunction, suggesting that ipamorelin supplementation may help improve sexual drive and function. [157-163]
  3. In age-advanced men, growth hormone releasing peptide supplementation significantly improved libido and general well-being. [164]
  4. By increasing GH and IGF-1 levels, ipamorelin indirectly improves sexual function by increasing the levels of nitric oxide, a molecule naturally produced in the body that stimulates harder and longer penile erections. [165-173]
  5. Aside from GH and IGF-1 levels, ipamorelin administration also boosts testosterone and estrogen levels, which are necessary for the regulation of sexual thoughts, desire, and sexual function. [174-175]
  6. Studies show that growth hormone-releasing peptides play an integral role in penile erection and sexual arousal. [176-183]

Enhances Tissue Regeneration

Growth hormone-releasing peptides such as ipamorelin can help repair damaged tissues caused by a sports injury or physical trauma. There is strong scientific evidence supporting the regenerative properties of ipamorelin:

  1. Ipamorelin and other peptides can be a therapeutic option for cartilage repair and regeneration. [184-185]
  2. Peptides can enhance tissue regeneration by improving collagen synthesis and providing structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells of the injured area. [186]
  3. Peptides can also speed up the wound healing process by increasing the production of collagen. [187-189]
  4. Peptides can accelerate the healing of various cartilage defects. [190-193]
  5. By recruiting certain cells needed for the repair of damaged tissue, peptides reduce healing time and improve tissue recovery. [194-195]
  6. Peptides have the ability to support the structure of damaged tissues while allowing them to heal. [196]
  7. Peptides enhance tissue regeneration by promoting chondrogenesis, the process by which cartilage is developed. [197-200]
  8. By promoting cell adhesion, ipamorelin and other peptides can enhance cartilage tissue repair. [201-203]

Improves Sleep Quality

Ipamorelin and other growth hormone-releasing peptides play an integral role in promoting restful sleep. Studies show that by increasing GH and IGF-1 levels, as well as enhancing certain sleep processes, ipamorelin significantly improves sleep quality and quantity:

  1. In normal men, the administration of growth hormone-releasing peptide increased slow-wave sleep (SWS), which is often referred to as deep sleep. [204]
  2. In young healthy men, intravenous injections of growth hormone-releasing peptides during sleep consistently stimulated slow-wave sleep. [205]
  3. In normal young males, the administration of growth hormone releasing peptide increased stage 2 sleep. [206]
  4. By increasing GH levels, ipamorelin significantly improves the deep sleep stage. [207-212]
  5. By increasing IGF-1 levels, ipamorelin promotes deep sleep. [213-223]
  6. In rats, growth hormone releasing peptide administration activated sleep regulatory neurons in the brain. [224]

Associated Side Effects of Ipamorelin

Ipamorelin side effects are very uncommon. There have been some side effects associated with the use of this drug wherein the patient had one of the issues listed below at some point while being on ipamorelin. However, these side effects weren’t confirmed to be associated with the treatment and could have been a coincidence and not related to the use of ipamorelin. Despite this, it was listed as a side effect associated with ipamorelin even though these associated side effects are very uncommon.

Side effects associated with ipamorelin may include the following:

  • Changes in taste
  • Chest tightness
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Flushing of the skin
  • Headache
  • Hives
  • Hyperactivity
  • Increased hunger
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


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